Get Involved!

The League of Women Voters, a nonpartisan political organization, encourages the informed and active participation of citizens in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy. Membership in the League is open to both women and men.

For over 50 years the Westford League of Women Voters, a group of committed women and men, have shared a common interest in “making democracy work”. Our involvement in the community has been far-reaching.

You can now make a donation to the League or join the League online!

Choose from the following membership options:

Membership Type

If you prefer not to pay online, You can also download and mail in a membership form with a check. Dues are the same amount with either payment method.

Your membership dues are used to support activities at the state and national levels. We welcome any additional donations which will be used entirely by the Local Westford League to support our programs. Donations in any amount are welcome!

Your membership or donation helps the League fund these programs:

Candidate Events

We have organized annual local candidates’ night since 1970, publish the annual voters’ guide in the Westford Eagle, and set up candidate debates and meetings for state legislative seats.  Voters’ guides from past years can be found here.

Educational Programs

We organize high school government class attendance at the LWV Day on the Hill for students to see state government in action and set up mock elections for elementary, middle school and high school. To build more unity in our town we developed a video that illustrated Westford’s rich and diverse history.

Advocacy for Quality of Life issues

We have studied a wide range of educational issues so that we could advocate for and spark improvements in our schools. Through active research and citizen education the League was instrumental in stopping the potential placement of a toxic waste dump in Westford.

Voter and Public Service

We plan and host televised forums on important issues. We originally created the “blue pages” in the Roudenbush directory. We post vote signs and banners for all elections and town meetings.  We hold town meeting previews for poll elections and town meetings.

League leadership, especially Board positions, offer members opportunities for personal growth; many former League presidents and board members have capitalized on their League training in the work force and in political office. Leadership in the League offers members valuable skills and contacts.

No previous experience necessary, just belief in the League and how it benefits Westford. Increased involvement in the League not only builds a stronger League, but can offer you new skills and experiences for your personal enrichment as well.

Contact Gloria Miller, 978-347-5989, for more information.

Download a membership form here.