You can now join or renew online. Or, Download a membership form and mail it to us.
Either way, we are excited to welcome current and new members to the League!
The League of Women Voters of Westford is a nonpartisan, grassroots organization of people of all genders, ages, and backgrounds. The League’s goals are to encourage active and informed participation in government, increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influence public policy through education and advocacy.
Click Here for official Westford Primary Election results.
A new page titled Finding the Truth during the Election Season has been added to this website.
As an election year, 2024 promises to have no shortage of issue and candidate information put in our inboxes, news feeds, and ears. Being an informed voter is important, but sorting fact from fiction can be sometimes challenging. Last year the League of Women Voters of the Cape Cod Area held a symposium that explored misinformation in the media. Some of the Internet resources they compiled for the symposium are useful for anyone seeking to understand the details behind claims they discover online or in conversations with friends and family. A list of some of those websites intended to help us all discern fact from fiction, and a video put out by the LWV Andover/North Andover called “LWV Fact Checking 2024 Election News”, can now be found Here.
Click Here to see a list of the Bills the League is monitoring at the State House.